Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Target Audience Questionnaire - What Do They Want?

Here is a questionnaire to try and find out what the target audience would like to find in a student magazine. Please copy and paste it into a comment below, and write your answers underneath. Thanks.

1. What should the student magazine be about? Here are some examples...
- Music
- Cars
- Sports (Tennis / football / netball / etc)
- College life
- Relationships

2. What would be a suitable name for the student magazine? Write some suggestions below...

3. What font would you like the main headlines to be in? Here are some examples...
- Headline
- Headline
- Headline
- Headline
- Headline
- Headline
- Other

4. What do you think the price should be?
- 40p
- 50p
- 60p
- 70p
- 80p +
- Other

5. What kind of photos would you like to see on the magazine?
- Recent events
- Images or photos
- Hand drawn
- Don't care what the photos are of, you just want lots of them.

6. Would you prefer a black and white or a coloured magazine? What colour scheme would you prefer?
- Black and white
- Colour (Name some colour schemes: blue and pink, green and brown, etc)
- Both

7. How old are you?
- Under 13
- 13 - 15
- 16 - 19
- 20 +

8. How often do you read magazines?
- Every day
- Few times a week
- Once a week
- Once a month
- Never

9. What genre of magazines do you read most?
- Music
- Sport
- Technology
- Relationships
- Fashion
- Other

10. Are you a boy or a girl?
- Boy
- Girl

Thank you for taking part in this questionnaire.


  1. 1. What should the student magazine be about? Here are some examples...

    2. What would be a suitable name for the student magazine? Write some suggestions below...
    Hello, im kath. This is my magazine.

    3. What font would you like the main headlines to be in? Here are some examples...
    - Headline

    4. What do you think the price should be?
    - 80p +

    5. What kind of photos would you like to see on the magazine?
    - Don't care what the photos are of, you just want lots of them.

    6. Would you prefer a black and white or a coloured magazine? What colour scheme would you prefer?
    - pink,

    7. How old are you?
    - 16 - 19

    8. How often do you read magazines?
    - Once a week

    9. What genre of magazines do you read most?
    - Music
    - Fashion

    10. Are you a boy or a girl?
    - Girl

  2. 1. college life, relationship etc- general stuff
    2. tweenies twitter :)
    3. Any that aren't boring
    4. 50p
    5. recent events, if there are some and photos from around college.
    6. colour- pink white andblue
    7. 16-19
    8. once every two weeks probably
    9. relationship, fashion (heat)
    10. girlie

  3. What should the student magazine be about?
    - Sports
    - College life
    - Relationships

    2. What would be a suitable name for the student magazine? Write some suggestions below...
    Kath's student magazine.

    3. What font would you like the main headlines to be in? Here are some examples...

    4. What do you think the price should be?
    - 80p

    5. What kind of photos would you like to see on the magazine?
    - Recent events

    6. Would you prefer a black and white or a coloured magazine? What colour scheme would you prefer?
    - Both

    7. How old are you?
    - 16 - 19

    8. How often do you read magazines?
    - Few times a week

    9. What genre of magazines do you read most?
    - Relationships
    - Fashion

    10. Are you a boy or a girl?
    - Girl

  4. 1. What should the student magazine be about? Here are some examples...
    msuic, college life, a bit of everything!

    2. What would be a suitable name for the student magazine? Write some suggestions below...

    3. What font would you like the main headlines to be in? Here are some examples...

    4. What do you think the price should be?
    about 80p

    5. What kind of photos would you like to see on the magazine?
    recent events, students work eg photography ect.

    6. Would you prefer a black and white or a coloured magazine? What colour scheme would you prefer?
    colour, something bright!

    7. How old are you?

    8. How often do you read magazines?

    9. What genre of magazines do you read most?

    10. Are you a boy or a girl?

  5. music, film, news
    something relating to the audience
    bout £1
    recent events, relevant to the topics
    coloured, something bright and complementary
    fortnightlly maybe

  6. 1. What should the student magazine be about? Here are some examples...

    partys and beer

    2. What would be a suitable name for the student magazine? Write some suggestions below...
    kaths magazine thing

    3. What font would you like the main headlines to be in? Here are some examples...

    calibra ftw

    4. What do you think the price should be?
    - 40p

    5. What kind of photos would you like to see on the magazine?
    drunk kids

    6. Would you prefer a black and white or a coloured magazine? What colour scheme would you prefer?
    - Black and white

    7. How old are you?

    8. How often do you read magazines?

    9. What genre of magazines do you read most?

    10. Are you a boy or a girl?
